“I run a payroll bureau and I have used Payroll Manager for 18 months now and just wish I had found it years ago it would have saved me a lot of hassle and a lot of money. I started using it for new clients alongside my previous payroll program but it soon became very clear that it was far superior and at the start of the 2013/2014 tax year I moved all my clients to Payroll Manager. It is easy to use and understand and the reporting facilities are excellent, it has everything you could possibly ask for, and more, and if you do have a problem a quick telephone call to a very courteous and helpful support team will soon have you back on track. The transition to RTI was simple and straightforward and the help facility has answers to almost every possible question that may arise. To have all my payroll requirements in one program without having to buy add ons for this and add ons for that makes life so much easier. I cannot praise it highly enough!”