Tax Relief and Earnings Basis for Pension Contributions

How Tax Relief and the Earnings Contribution basis affect pension contributions If you wish to check that an employee is having the correct pension deduction made from their pay, it is important that you understand how tax relief and the earnings contribution basis affects these deductions. Tax relief: When using a Relief at Source (RAS) pension scheme…

Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT

Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT HMRC is changing the way you submit your VAT Returns (although in practice, for users of our Money Manager software, there is very little difference). From April 2019, most VAT registered businesses with a taxable turnover above £85,000 must keep their VAT records digitally and use Making Tax Digital…

Bitdefender Safe Files

Bitdefender Safe Files Bitdefender ‘ provide antivirus/Firewall/Security software which you may have installed on your computer. One of the features of Bitdefender is an item called ‘Safe Files’, which is designed to stop applications from saving files on your computer. A number of Payroll Manager users have reported that ‘Bitdefender Safe Files’ is causing problems…

Welsh Rates of Income Tax (WRIT)

Welsh Rates of Income Tax From April 2019 the Welsh Government will be able to vary the rates of income tax paid by taxpayers who live in Wales (Welsh taxpayers). The UK government will reduce each of the three rates of income tax – basic, higher and additional rate paid by Welsh taxpayers – by…

Scottish Widows Standard

Scottish Widows (Standard) Use this guide to setup Payroll Manager to work with Scottish Widows. 1. Entering the Duties Start Date. 2. Adding Pension Scheme details. 3. Assessing the workforce. 4. Adding Employees and setting pension contributions. 5. Sending letters to employees. 6. Producing CSV upload files to send to the pension provider. 1- Duties Start…