Lay-offs and short-time working

Lay-offs and short-time working ‘Guarantee Pay’ and ‘Lay-off pay’ are payments that employees may be entitled to during periods of short time working. Please see the GOV.UK guide on Lay-offs and short-time working for details of eligibility and amounts. This type of pay cannot be reclaimed by the employer, and as such there is no specific…

Working from home – Payroll Manager

Working from home – Payroll Manager This guide is designed to help if you normally use Payroll Manager at work, but temporarily need to operate the payroll from home. How Payroll Manager works There are two main aspects to using Payroll Manager to process your payroll – i.e. the payroll software and the payroll data…

Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay (SPBP)

Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay (SPBP) The Government introduced a new entitlement to Parental Bereavement Leave and Pay (SPBP) in April 2020. This provides parents who lose a child or suffer a stillbirth with an employment right to take two weeks off work. Eligible employees are entitled to two weeks’ statutory pay. There are a number…

State Pension Age

State Pension Age The State Pension age is the earliest age that an individual can start receiving their State Pension, and is worked out based on the date of birth. If an employee chooses to continue to work after reaching their State Pension Age then their subsequent earnings are not liable to employee National Insurance…

PAYE Accounts Office reference number

PAYE Accounts Office Reference number The employer’s PAYE Accounts Office Reference number is a unique, 13 character code displayed on the vast majority of communications received from HMRC. Accounts office reference numbers all have the same strict format: The three digit number of your tax office (e.g. 123) Two alpha characters (e.g. PA) Eight numeric…