How can we help?
Help Topics
Payroll corrections and RTI returns Problems sending emails using Outlook, Office 365 and Hotmail : Employer NIC changes from April 2025
Finishing the payroll for 2024-25 and moving forward to 2025-26
Help and support when using Payroll Manager for the first time
Guides on common procedures (new employees, leavers, sick pay, payslips etc.)
Articles on sending and correcting RTI returns
Guides to processing Maternity (SMP) and Paternity Pay (SPP)
Guides on how to process sick pay with Payroll Manager
How to produce and distribute employee payslips
Holiday Pay for irregularly paid / part year workers (from April 2024)
Links to various HMRC (and other) web pages
How to buy or renew your software licence
How Tax, NIC, Directors NIC, Holiday pay etc is calculated
Setup guides and support for using Payroll Manager with NEST, including common errors
User Guides for specific pension schemes.
Specific guides for Payroll Agents and Accountants
Guides and FAQs for Workplace Pensions
Employment allowance, week 53 payments, useful links to HMRC pages etc.
Help with downloading, updating, printing etc.
Guides and support on using Payroll Manager with the Construction Industry Scheme – CIS
GDPR and Payroll Manager
Using Payroll Manager to process expenses and benefits, P11d etc
Using the Money Manager Bookkeeping software