===== VERSION 21-Jan-2025 ===== 1) Removed auth plain authentication for smtp 2) Added "Tax & NIC" layout to general reports ===== VERSION 18-Dec-2024 ===== 1) Added separate tickbox for Small Employer Relief for last year and this year 2) Automatic replacement of non-breaking spaces with plain spaces in impoted data ===== VERSION 04-Dec-2024 ===== 1) Warned of upcoming removal of for auth plain email authentication (if used). 2) Added simplified one page version of P11D(b) report. ===== VERSION 13-Nov-2024 ===== 1) Made improvements to True Potential contribution template. 2) Stopped National Minimum Wage checks being applied to employees under 16. 3) Improved application of downloaded Student Loan stop notices, as sometimes they were applied to the wrong type. 4) Added accrued holiday to CSV import. 5) Improved presentation of how accrued holiday hours were shown on Pay Dashboard. 6) Allowed entry of workplace postcode for 2025-25 in advance. 7) Absence report was not always including Shared Parenting Leave. ===== VERSION 04-Oct-2024 ===== 1) Sometimes SNCP (Statutory Neonatal Care Pay), which is new for 2025-26, could appear in files for 2020-21 to 2023-24. ===== VERSION 27-Sep-2024 ===== 1) Made changes to how email errors are reported to show the error codes/messages sent back from the server. 2) When creating a file for next year it will now offer not to carry forward un-used CIS subcontractors. 3) Prevented the lock period from being set to before the Mid Year Start. 4) Added Hargreaves Lansdown pension provider and contribution template. 5) Added employee start date and employer tax office reference to parenting report. 6) Made improvements to True Potential contribution template. 7) Updated Unity Trust Bank Bulk Faster Payments BACS template. ===== VERSION 21-Aug-2024 ===== 1) For new employees prevented selection of NIC Category B (for married women, abolished in 1970s) if birthday was set to 01-Jan-1964 or later. 2) Added funding to statutory pay recovery report. 3) SPP split into two separate blocks (allowed for 2024-25 onwards) was sometimes not working if both blocks were in the same pay period. 4) Accrued hours balance column was being totalled on reports (balance columns should not be totalled). 5) Prevented selecting NI Category Letters for investment zones if date started was before start of investment zone scheme. 6) Updated Starling BACS template to include headers.